Friday, April 27, 2012

Wyoming.....Oil and Gas

BP's blowout last year was horrible but unless everyone wants to put their "red cups" down and quit driving than America still needs fuel. Renewable energy such as solar, geothermal, hydro and wind still only account for less than 15% total, so that leaves coal, oil and gas.

I have never been close to a drilling rig before but I did drive down a dirt road, right to the fence and from the road I could see tons of support that I did not realize was associated with the rig.

Huge generators, tanks for slurry and at least 8 full size trailers all with GPS and satellite dishes on top... with the added thump, thump,thump of the drilling rig going down foot by foot.

Every hundred or more acres you will see these areas that are retrieving gas from the ground.

You won't see cranes in the middle of the prairie unless it has to do with the oil business.

Hey!!!!!!! That's money going up in smoke?

1 comment:

General Post said...

With this blog you really took our attention to the points that we never thought about. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. All the best, way to go

Wyoming Oil Drilling