Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weeding and trimming.

While Donna was away I got to really do some drastic trimming around the back patio. Donna believes I over do it sometimes when landscaping but I view it the same way I view a haircut...if you don't like it, just wait... it'll grow back soon enough.

I knew she would like it when she got back from the store. Donna just doesn't have the heart to "slash and burn" when it comes to opening up an area like I do.

Any ruffles can always be tempered if you include a $100 in tulip bulbs, Donna loves tulips. You can see the plant just to the left of the bulbs...then look at the photo above to see the difference,

Speaking of tulips, I'll bet come spring this doe will love them...ha ha

I bought two 25 lbs food blocks, one was full of minerals and salt for the deer...the other had seeds for poultry. This doe must be confused because she came back twice today to nibble on the "poultry" block and left the mineral one alone.

These wild turkeys came into the yard but left the poultry block alone while just pecking at something in the grass. What are the odds I will see them around November 28th?

The garage side garden and the actual fenced garden will take much more than the 4-55 gallon construction bags that the patio did. I tried this morning to start on the garage flower beds but the meat bee's are horrendous this year...I might wait for the first freeze before tackling the job.

For those who think I will give up my blog, not to worry. I just might not blog as often as in the past, but if enough things happen... I might blog more!

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