Friday, July 22, 2016

I'm coming out of the closet. Blog #407

I'm so afraid of coming out of the closet and being shunned by friends or neighbors and have stayed comfortably hidden for many years, but someone called me on it and they are right...I'm a fraud.

Someone sent me a link the other day about angels and asked to send this same link to 14 other people in my contact list. I did, mainly because it makes people feel good...much like when I asked for prayers when Donna was sick. Well, one of Donna's friend accepted the link but she thought it was inconsistent of know what, she's right.

When someone says they will pray for you, or they ask me to pray for someone troubled or sick, I always say yes but the reality is...I am sending positive energy their way.

I was raised a strict catholic who got in trouble with the nuns when they said God knows all, what you are thinking, what you are doing and what you will do in the future. Well, I said that if God knows what I will do in the am I responsible for what I was destined to do? That never went over well.

I live in a very religious community which I love, and I will follow though with the customs of the community without a problem, but I am a man of science and I can't avoid it.

We are all comprised of DNA, which dictates whether you will be an insect, plant, fish, reptile or mammal. The story is that God put us on earth as his subjects but why would every other living thing on earth die and decompose...but only one special carrier of this particular DNA be welcomed into some sort of fairyland when they die? Are you telling me that when my puppies die, they are dead, but me (perish the thought) ...being comprised of the same building block material have some sort of "free pass" to Disneyland?

It's inconsistent with a God, that loves all life, would only allow humans into his kingdom. Why put ants, wasps, sharks, Tasmanian devils or cockroaches on earth if this was a PLANNED endeavor? Oh, I do believe there were great men and women, with profound teachings such as Confucius, Muhammad, Budda and Jesus...but do I believe they are the son of God? Well, first I would have to believe in a God, wouldn't I? These were all very holy men who tried to teach people a good way to live their life. People are afraid of death, they think "what's the purpose of living if there isn't a place to go to"? Well, do you think maybe horses, cows, and dogs all think the same way...because in reality, they are built with the same genome that we are with slight variations.

The old testament was written in 6 BC and the famous New testament "The Bible that all the Christians are talking about" was first written 70 to 90 years after Jesus had died. With the average lifespan of 40 years at that time...who is writing these words and how convoluted did they become?
Can you just for a moment imagine how much better my grade school report cards have improved over the last 55 years, I was a star student...not? My history gets better every year I'm alive, it's human nature. It is hard to imagine that in 75 AD, anyone was still alive who knew personally of Jesus or his miracles.

Do I want to rain on someone else's parade...of course not. I just feel ashamed for lying to my friends and neighbors all this time. Donna needed all the good thoughts and support we could conjure up and I wanted (and Donna, for we were of equal mind) all possibilities explored.

Am I worried of a lasting, because if you happen to be correct, and your God judges us by how we love, hate war, enjoy the company of his animals and appreciate the beauty of our world...then I'm in! (it's always smart to have a contingency plan)

I know this will not be well received by some of my friends, but rest assured, we can love all the same without judgment...I hope to remain your friend, always.

Thank you, Cathy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said pops