Thursday, May 26, 2016

Still spreading Donna around the country.

My neighbor Kent has been wanting me to hike with him up the mountain behind our homes for a while. Kent really wasn't all that keen on reaching the summit, just maybe two miles up. I told him I was going to bring some of Donna's ashes to spread on the peak if we make it.

"You are a lousy hiking partner" as Donna would say because I only have one speed. I try to adjust to other people's stride but it is so hard for me to do. I did occasionally wait, I'm not heartless. ;-)

This is the view most have of me...not all that bad, though.

It is a beautiful day, not too hot or sunny, slight breeze and clear.
We saw plenty of moose and bear scat...but nary an animal. I do carry bear spray, water, and a few fig newtons.

On the top of Paradis Peak is this unmanned relay center. (yes, that is how you spell it) From our house, it is 4.5 miles and a 2000' elevation change to the summit, quite a steep hike for a couple of old geezers.

Snack and water time before we start the ceremony. Kent sure looks happy...doesn't he...that I dragged him all the way to the top?

Not everyone gets to go to so many places as Donna has... and more to come.

What's not to love here? Being on top of a mountain overlooking our wonderful valley while surrounded by lovely lupine and other colorful flowers. Rest well, dear...

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