Friday, March 14, 2014

Home and the Spokane River

Donna and I are in Spokane for a while, just when the river got very close to flood stage....I love it!

Without video it is hard to imagine the speed of the river at this stage. It was so loud it sounded like the proverbial freight train!

Eat you heart out Southern California...all this water is going straight to the ocean in short order.

The Spokane River is so big it splits around Canada Island in downtown Spokane. (again, eat your heart out L.A.)

Heavy flow over a diversion dam at the old Washington Power Company.

(can I say it you heart out L.A.) ☺

Went up to the house for the day after a week in Spokane and found most of the snow had melted. My garden is looking good but the sulfur is still laying on top of the mounds. I added sulfur because the soil test indicated that I needed to lower the PH value.

As you might see the sulfur is now integrated into the soil. I broke up the mounds with the mighty "Weasel Twister" Donna had got me for Christmas. It worked like a charm even breaking up rocks that I did not know were there...actually they were clumps of frozen soil under the ground that I thought were rocks...:-)

I am sure Donna feels the same as I ....we miss our home!
How could we not love this view...only need a few deer in the photo but they must be pissed because I have ignored them the last 10 days!

We will once again occupy our house and all will be as is should be soon enough.......:-)


Teri said...

Very interesting, as usual!

Curtain Cleaning Raleigh said...

Great read, thank you