Thursday, January 12, 2012


   We have a new hobby (well actually it is a hobby we have always had but now more time to enjoy it) of watching, learning habits and identifying birds of prey. Eagles, Osprey's, Kites, Hawks, Falcons, Owls and even lowly buzzards. Of course the Red-Tailed Hawk is the easiest for us so far but we are reading about some of the other hawks and falcons for identifying purposes. What I need is a better camera because favorite resting places for the hawks are telephone poles, but they fly off immediately when we park and open the car door.

Red Tail having a bad "feather day".


Anonymous said...

Tom & Donna,
I have not seen your new blog for a few weeks but, love the entries and progress to date. You guys missed your true calling, you should have been travel photo journalists. Keep up the great work, post lots of photos and have fun.

Anonymous said...

tried to leave a comment, signed it with google gmail mail, but then it wanted me to create a blogger account, for now, just call me anonymous.
Nice pics of the hawks, keep them coming.

Teri said...

Beautiful! You need a new camera with a good telephoto!