Monday, January 2, 2012

The cotton fields of Ehrenberg.

Donna and I noticed a cotton harvester rolling down the small county road we were on, so of course we followed. Nearer to the fields were no trespassing signs but one of the farm managers told us to come on thru and take all the photos we'd like. He also fielded (get it, fielded..ha ha) some questions for us.

This harvester makes only one run down the row before it's full.

The packer in the previous photo packs the cotton into these huge bales...up to 25,000lbs each

All that from this little flower.
  Below is an addition to the cycle of cotton farming. After the cotton is pulled, then a brush tractor tries to pick all the cotton that the stripper misses. This tractor and apparatus chops the cotton plant down to about 2 inches before it is tilled into the ground. The state requires the roots to be plowed up by January 31st otherwise it promotes a fungus that can get into the soil.

After all is said and done the fields look like this and will be replanted with cotton starting in March.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Wow! not more labors in the cotton fields? Awesome machinery!