Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Scenic Road RV Park Aloha Party

The owners of the RV park we are staying in, are long time Hawaii residents who had to come back to the mainland for parents health. As such, they throw an Aloha party once a season and we were lucky enough to be here when is it was scheduled. Shawn and Randie still RV from April to October while the park is closed but spend the winter season here in Quartzsite
running there RV park.

Shawn does a 5 minute Hula dance while explaining what the different moves in the dance represent. She must know her stuff because the dance was beautiful.

The spread was typical of a Hawaiian Luau, we all brought an assigned dish and Randie buried a pig for the event. Everything was delicious except for the Hawaiian Poe Poe which was flown in the previous day, that stuff sucks big time!

After dinner we played a few games to work off some of the food. Here the hat is filled with as much fruit as possible and the person then has to walk to the wall and back. Any fruit falling off is not counted and the team that counts the most fruit wins.

Donna and Tom....yours truly in our best Hawaiian getup.

Who can break the piñata,  Randie takes his best swing ( I did not know the piñata was steeped in Hawaiian culture).

I was called up, after Randies turn, to try my hand with piñata.  I looked like a hero when I broke it and the candy flew out.

Not bad form for a guy who has never played 9 innings of a baseball game...damn parochial schools!

The last contest was "tacky tourist" in which the guy with the hat won. That was it for our Hawaiian night at the was a lot of fun for us old folks.

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