Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Antique Power Museum

The Antique Power Museum outside of Salem is a group of 16 or more building, each serving the interests of the members.

The Hilands Building  holds many electrical items, most of which I don't understand. This is a very early Edison DC generator, the patent plates are marked Dec 23, 1879

These are large originals dynamos of direct current period 
from 1882 to 1900

This is a Tesla coil and while I do understand Tesla's place in history,(or where is should of been) I have no idea what the hell this thing does... but I bet my brother does.

Rather than Sunday catechism, I would of been better off reading this one.

This bad boy ran Mt Hood ski lift and lodge for many years

This is the only two cylinder engine left in existence from the Oriental gas Co and ran a paddle wheel boat on the Snake River. This was built by the Oriental Gas Co., installed in the boat and abandoned on shore in 1920 after an accident. A dam was built downstream, flooding the boat and years later the engine was uncovered and restored.

This engine, I was told, was used by a pipeline company many years ago to pump butane down the line.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey, pretty cool stuff, nice looking engines and the generators, wow, a lot of history there.