Thursday, May 17, 2012

Out and about in Southern Oregon

The creek behind our motorhome had some debris and branches that looked like a beaver dam (it wasn't) so into the 47 degree water I go to clear it.

Klamath Lake near Rocky Point. There are many reeds and canals for the boats to travel between difference parts of the lake.

Donna is "birding" very near the beginning of the Woods River about 5 miles from the hatchery.

This I don't get? Some of the locals in Fort Klamath think they are drilling for water. WTF? The water table in the area is about 8...I repeat "8", feet. Why would you need a rig this big to drill for water with a 8 foot water table and a  water canal 3 feet away? I don't get it....

Here at the hatchery we have about 8 or 10 bat boxes. The bats have been gone all winter but just returned three days ago. You can tell when they arrive by the new piles of bat guano below the boxes. The more the merrier...less mosquitoes.

My first attempt at getting some bats on film. They are quick little buggers and only come out when it is mosquito time. I got many more bites than shots! Best I could do so far using a flash and trying to anticipate when one might fly out or back into the box.


Anonymous said...

Bat guano fertilizer, what do you think?

Unknown said...

Joe...might make some money on it? Only three days and at least a bucket full already.

Anonymous said...

Three days, that's a lot of insects they eat.
Andrew says it $3.50 a pound